Home » Accusations of the ‘Rapid Support’ for the Assassination of a Tribal Leader and Members of His Family in Darfur
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Accusations of the ‘Rapid Support’ for the Assassination of a Tribal Leader and Members of His Family in Darfur

Sudan’s Sovereignty Council accused the Rapid Support Militia of assassinating a tribal leader in West Darfur state, two days after it announced its control of the army garrison in El Geneina, the state capital.

Fierce battles have been taking place between the army and the Rapid Support since April 15 in the capital Khartoum and other cities, killing more than 9,000 and thousands of wounded civilians, as well as military personnel, in addition to the displacement and asylum of more than 7 million, while the RSF has intensified its operations in the Darfur region.

The Sovereignty Council said in a statement mourning the tribal leader on Monday that the mattress Muhammad Arbab – Farush Mestri “was treacherously assassinated by the rebel Rapid Support militias, after they stormed the homes of citizens in the Ardamta area.”

His son and eight grandchildren were also killed, he said, “in a heinous crime that deplores humanity. The barbarism of these forces and their departure reflect all noble values,” the statement said.

The statement pointed out that many innocent civilians were treacherously and deliberately killed by the Rapid Support, which it described as “terrorist” in the Ardamta region.

Farsha is a senior position in Dar Masalit, as the Sultan’s agent in the area where he is chosen by the sultanate’s presidency, and Darfur is known for its deep-rooted native administration, whose members have leadership and considerable influence in the tribe.

The statement of the coup Sovereignty Council described the mattresses Mohamed Arbab as a symbol of the native administration in West Darfur state, “where the deceased was distinguished by wisdom and skill in managing Farushia away from nervousness and regionalism. He was a historical reference in local government affairs.”

He said he was one of the oldest pillars of native administration in the Darfur region and the Dar Masalit Sultanate.

On Sunday, the Rapid Support announced its control of the headquarters of the 15th Division in El Geneina in West Darfur state, days after announcing the occupation of the 16th Division of Nyala in South Darfur and the 21st Division of Zalingei in Central Darfur.

Source: Al-Taghyeer
