Home » Second Commander of the Rapid Support Calls on the Citizens of Darfur to Return and Reduces Calls for “Secession”
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Second Commander of the Rapid Support Calls on the Citizens of Darfur to Return and Reduces Calls for “Secession”

The commander of the second Rapid Support Militia, Abdul Rahim Hamdan Dagalo, called on the citizens of the Darfur region, especially refugees and displaced persons, to return to their areas and villages and practice their normal lives, while reducing talk of any direction for the region’s secession.

The RSF took control of three main army garrisons in Darfur (Western, Central and South Darfur) out of five states recently after their war, which has raged since April 15, entered its seventh month.

Return of citizens

Dagalo appeared, Tuesday, in a video clip that his forces said that in Darfur, regretting and compassionate for the lives of the martyrs, civilians and military, calling on the citizens of the region to return to their areas and villages to practice their normal lives and said that there is nothing to fear today, and vowed to provide protection and fight the unruly.

He attacked the former regime and accused it of injustice and oppression of the people of Darfur in the past years, and stressed that this covenant will not return again, and said that Darfur will recover forever from the fighting, tribal conflict and strife and everyone will enjoy security and stability, and added: «We will not allow the remnants to implement their malicious plans aimed at sedition».

Dagalo stressed that they stand at the same distance from all components of Darfur and defend them, and said that his forces will confront the unruly and those who stalk the security and safety of citizens.

Their forces have a responsibility to protect, secure and preserve civilians, he said.

Separation lawsuits

Dagalo played down accusations that their forces were planning to separate Darfur after they took control of large parts of the region.

He continued: «We will say it loudly that the unity of Sudan, its lands and its people is a red line and we will not allow anyone to touch it, and that Sudan has been divided before to north and south and the people of the two countries have not reaped anything from this division and the issues that caused it remained the same without solutions».

He declared that they would not hesitate to hold accountable any individual who violates the rights of others or threatens their security and safety, and that his forces will not provide protection to the unruly and will confront them with decisiveness and deterrence.

He reiterated their readiness to cooperate with any commissions of inquiry and to bring to justice all those found to be involved in committing violations.

Dagalo addressed messages to the citizens of Darfur, calling for upholding the spirit of tolerance and combating hate speech and racism, and urging the residents of El Geneina in particular to coexist among themselves and overcome the bitterness of the past.

He called on the armed struggle movements to cooperate with his forces and carry out their duty towards providing security and stability for the people of Darfur, and called on the police to return to their work.

International and local organizations and activists accused the Rapid Support Party of committing widespread violations in Darfur after its control of large parts of the region amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity, while the militia denies the accusations against it and insists that it is fighting on behalf of citizens against the remnants of the former regime and in order to achieve the goals of the revolution.

Source: Al-Taghyeer
