Home » Ugandan Army Officers Sacked for Cowardice in Attack on Somalia’s Bulo Marer Atmis Base
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Ugandan Army Officers Sacked for Cowardice in Attack on Somalia’s Bulo Marer Atmis Base

A Ugandan military court has found two officers guilty of cowardice as Islamist fighters stormed an African Union base in Somalia in May. Majors Zadock Abor and John Oluka ran away after they came under attack by al-Shabab in Bulo Marer, south of the capital Mogadishu.

At least 50 Ugandan soldiers were killed, officials say. Uganda is part of the African Union force helping Somalia’s government fight al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda affiliate.

The attack on Bulo Marer was one of the deadliest for the African Union force, Atmis, since it launched a new offensive against al-Shabab last year.

Majors Zadock Abor and John Oluka ran away after they came under attack by al-Shabab in Bulo Marer, south of the capital Mogadishu.

Uganda is part of the African Union force helping Somalia’s government fight al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda affiliate. The attack on Bulo Marer was one of the deadliest for the African Union force, Atmis, since it launched a new offensive against al-Shabab last year.

Source: BBC
