Home » The Forces of the “Revolutionary Charter” Condemn the Massacres in West Darfur and Demand the Classification of the “Rapid Support” as a Terrorist Militia
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The Forces of the “Revolutionary Charter” Condemn the Massacres in West Darfur and Demand the Classification of the “Rapid Support” as a Terrorist Militia

The Sudan Resistance Committees and the signatories of the Revolutionary Charter for the Establishment of People’s Power condemned the exposure of civilians in various areas in West Darfur state to violations, crimes of genocide, forced displacement, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

It held all warring parties responsible for massacres and violations committed against Sudanese citizens.

Since the outbreak of the armed conflict between the Rapid Support Army (RSA) in mid-April in the capital Khartoum and other areas, horrific human rights violations have occurred, especially in West Darfur, where the RSF recently took control of the army’s garrison.

In a press statement, the forces of the Revolutionary Charter for the Establishment of People’s Authority accused the RSF of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in West Darfur by targeting and filtering citizens racially and ethnically.

She pointed out that the Ardamta unit of El Geneina locality has been under systematic attack since last Thursday, in which the Janjaweed militia practices liquidation and racial and ethnic assassinations that directly target community symbols and local leaders, in addition to murders and rape of women, children and civilians, in addition to looting, stealing, burning and vandalizing property.

The statement added that despite the fact that all massacres and violations against unarmed civilians are taking place near the army command in West Darfur, “no regular party has protected citizens, or responded to the attacks and massacres of the Rapid Support Militia, which has become expanding and imposing its control over more lands and areas within the Darfur region, in clear complicity and inaction of the de facto authority, foremost of which is the army command, and its abandonment of carrying out its tasks and duties in protecting citizens and civilians.”

The statement renewed the demand of all political and revolutionary forces and the forces of the regional and international community to classify the Janjaweed (Rapid Support) as a terrorist militia that violates and terrorizes civilians.

He called for its dissolution and the accountability of all its leaders and symbols internally and externally, and not to recognize or legitimize any militia formation, “unlike what is happening now in the Jeddah platform, which legitimizes the Janjaweed militia and provides it with political cover and new international support.”

Source: Al-Taghyeer
