Home » President Raisi at Meeting With Sudan’s President: Zionists Are at the Root of Many Crises in Africa, in the World
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President Raisi at Meeting With Sudan’s President: Zionists Are at the Root of Many Crises in Africa, in the World

Iranian President Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi met with Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the Sudanese Administrative Council at the margins of a joint session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Arab League held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and announced that Iran was ready to exchange diplomatic messages and strengthen relations in various fields with Sudan.

During the talks, the Iranian president called the Zionist regime a great disaster for the Muslim Ummah and the world and said: “The Zionist regime is the source of many of the world’s problems, anti-Islam, anti-Iran hatred and schism in the Islamic world and the continent.

For his part, Abdel Fattah al Burhan the head of the Sudanese Administrative Council expressed delight at the opportunity to meet and talk to President Raisi and said: “I have seen nothing else for the Islamic Republic of Iran except good and good and we are eager to rebuild and re-establish relations between us.”

The head of the Sudanese Administrative Council noted that the improvement of relations between Islamic countries, including Iran and Sudan, is for the benefit of the entire Muslim Ummah and that today the Islamic Republic of Iran is the only country that openly advocates Islam.

In conversation with Al-Sisi
The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran told his Egyptian counterpart, Abel Fattal Al Sisi, that the general expectation is that the Rafah ferry be opened so that international aid can enter the Gaza Strip.

President Ebrahim Raisi made the remarks in a meeting with Egyptian President Abed Fattah Al Sisi on the sidelines of a meeting of Muslim and Arab leaders held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to discuss the situation of people who continue to be killed by Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi added: “It is clear to everyone that the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel are preventing the opening of the Rafah ferry for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the oppressed and defenseless people of Gaza but the embargo must be lifted.

The President of the Islamic Republic described the Cairo peace conference as a “beautiful innovation” that the West had prevented from succeeding. He added: “The Cairo peace conference could have been an important step toward ending the crimes committed by the Zionists in the killing of defenseless and innocent Gazan women and children, but the Western countries that support the Zionist regime have blocked the success of the conference, as they have not allowed the United Nations Security Council and other international organizations to take concrete steps to stop these crimes.”

President Ebrahim Raisi also stressed the need to unite and unite Islamic countries, saying: “The Islamic Republic of Iran has no obstacle in expanding relations with Egypt’s friend.”

For his part, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi said Cairo had a definite political incentive to establish real relations with Iran, and said: “As a result, we have tasked the relevant ministers to develop a deeper relationship between the two countries.”

Source: IQNA
