Home » Foreign Ministry Calls for Preventing the Flow of Weapons to “Rapid Support” and Taking “Stricter” Steps
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Foreign Ministry Calls for Preventing the Flow of Weapons to “Rapid Support” and Taking “Stricter” Steps

16 October 2016. Malakal: Soldiers of the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) sit in a pick-up truck at the military base in Malakal, at the northern part of South Sudan, on October 16 2016. Heavy fighting broke out on Friday between SPLA (Government) and opposition forces in Warjok and Lelo villages, outside Malakal. SPLA commanders claim they succeeded to keep their positions and assure their forces just responded "on self defence". Photo by Albert Gonzalez Farran

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the coup government in Sudan called on the international community to take more stringent steps to confront the behavior of the Rapid Support Militia, including forcing those who support it with weapons and mercenaries to stop doing so.

Sudan descended into a relentless war between the army and the RSF in the capital Khartoum and other cities on April 15, accusing each other of human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Prevent the flow of weapons
The Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday that the Rapid Support Militia continues to commit atrocities, war crimes and ethnic cleansing in the states of West and Central Darfur, North Kordofan and safe residential areas in Greater Omdurman in Khartoum state, despite pledges made by its representatives in the Jeddah talks to protect civilians and facilitate the provision of humanitarian aid.

He welcomed the international condemnations by the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Nations and the Human Rights Council, and called for tougher steps to confront the militia’s policy of ethnic cleansing, including forcing those who support the militia with weapons and mercenaries to stop doing so, and to consider them accomplices and responsible for the atrocities they commit.

He also called on international and regional organizations “that remain silent about these serious crimes” to determine their position on them because the inability to condemn them is considered support for them.

Expanding killings
The statement accused the RSF of escalating ethnic cleansing operations in West Darfur, which began last June with the assassination of the governor of the state, the killing of more than 4,000 civilians from the Masalit tribe, and the forced displacement of most of the residents of the state capital and its surroundings from their areas.

He said that its killings on a tribal basis have expanded to include searches of homes in the Erdamta area one by one in search of new victims, with the leaders of the civil administration targeted, “as they assassinated in a few days the mattress, Muhammad Arbab and his son and eight of his grandchildren, and the mattress, Abdul Basit Suleiman Dina, his wife and son. It is known that she had previously assassinated Sultan Dar Masalit’s brother.

He also accused her of detaining large numbers of families and subjecting them to torture leading to death. These crimes represent a deliberate strategy to evacuate the state of its original inhabitants and settle militia elements and mercenaries, including non-Sudanese.

He pointed to the destruction of displaced persons camps in Zalingei, Central Darfur, and the perpetration of horrific crimes that included killings based on tribal identity, gang rape, and the forced displacement of displaced people from the area.

The RSF is also accused of attacking a number of safe villages around the city of um Rawaba, North Kordofan, and committing massacres in them that killed dozens of civilians.

In addition to the continued deliberate shelling of residential and commercial areas in Karary Omdurman locality, such as the bombing of the Hara 15 market, during which 34 unarmed citizens were killed, and the indiscriminate shelling of residential areas in El Fasher, North Darfur, to force its citizens to evacuate them within the aforementioned strategy.

The statement added to the crimes of looting and vandalism of Um Kadada Hospital in North Darfur State, and the theft of all electrical appliances, cars and equipment, which led to the suspension of the hospital, noting that this was preceded by the sabotage and looting of hospitals and the university in the city of Nyala, South Darfur.

In recent weeks, the RSF has taken control of three important army positions in Darfur out of five major cities, including Nyala, Zalingei and El Geneina.

Source: Al-Taghyeer
