Home » Sudan: Temperatures Continue to Drop and Scattered Rain in Several States
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Sudan: Temperatures Continue to Drop and Scattered Rain in Several States

The Sudanese General Authority of Meteorology expected that the maximum and minor temperatures will continue to drop slightly in most parts of the country.

It also expected the activity of light winds and dusty speed in separate parts of the north, northwest and west of the country and the Red Sea state.

In its bulletin issued on Thursday, the authority predicted light to moderate rain in different parts of the far north of the country.

Next to Gezira State, East River Nile State, East Khartoum, Sennar State, South White Nile State, Blue Nile State, South and West Kordofan and East Darfur.

Moderate to heavy rainfall was also expected in different parts of the Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref states.

The most important weather feature during the next 24 hours is the presence of the Sudan Thermal Depression, which covers the east, center and southeast of the country.

Next to an air altitude centered in northwest Africa covering the north, northwest and west of the country.

While the tropical separator passes today north of the cities of Kassala and Abu Hamad and south of Dongola, Nyala and El Geneina.

The highest temperature recorded yesterday was 38.5 degrees Celsius in the northern city of Karima, and the lowest recorded in the northern city of Abu Hamad was 20.5 degrees Celsius.

The highest expected temperature is 38.0 degrees Celsius in Karima, Atbara and Shindi in the north of the country this afternoon, and the lowest expected temperature tomorrow morning is 20.0 degrees Celsius in the western city of Rashad.

Source: Al-Taghyeer
