Home » Sudan: The Joint Force of Armed Struggle Movements Announces the Strengthening of Its Defense Pillars in the City of El Fasher
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Sudan: The Joint Force of Armed Struggle Movements Announces the Strengthening of Its Defense Pillars in the City of El Fasher

The Joint Force of the Armed Struggle Movements announced the strengthening of its defensive pillars in markets, the headquarters of organizations and the neighborhoods of the city of El Fasher, the capital of the Darfur region.

It denied withdrawing from the city and described what is being circulated in this regard as “rumors and allegations”, according to a press statement attributed to the head of the media committee of the joint force, Ahmed Hussein Mustafa.

The armed struggle movements said in a press statement issued on Tuesday: “You are also following and following the masses of the world a state of rumors and claims through various media and platforms about the withdrawal of the joint force of armed struggle movements from the city of El Fasher, as was rumored before about our withdrawal from Nyala.”

She added: “As a result of these rumors, the city of El Fasher lived in a state of waves of displacement and movement in an exaggerated manner, looking for a safe haven outside the city and another inside it to move between neighborhoods.”

The joint forces confirmed that they did not move from their defensive pillars from markets, organizations’ headquarters and neighborhood pillars, and stated that late this week they strengthened their forces with all their pillars.

She continued: “Therefore, everything that is circulated and published about the withdrawal are nothing but allegations and rumors launched by parties that have their goals from the waves of displacement and the panic of citizens.”

The joint forces stressed their serious keenness on the security and safety of citizens, and that they are exerting their utmost efforts to stop the war by addressing the two parties to stop renewed clashes in all cities of Sudan, including the city of El Fasher.

“There is no good in us if we withdraw without taking into account your security and safety,” she said, while appealing to what she described as “warmongers and rumour-mongers and intimidation among civilians” to spread a spirit of reassurance instead of intimidation and intimidation.

It also reiterated its “neutrality from war” and said it would continue to work to protect markets, civilians and their property, including the delivery of humanitarian and relief aid and the headquarters of humanitarian organizations so that they can provide aid to those affected.

Source: Al-Taghyeer
